Dental Implants

Dental implants are an excellent option to replace missing teeth. Unlike restorations that rely on other teeth for support, implants stand independently, similar to a natural tooth.

What are Dental Implants?

An implant resembles a small screw, about the size of a tooth root. When we place it directly into the bone, your body integrates with the implant surface and the restoration becomes a permanent part of your smile.

Careful, detailed planning goes into every dental implant case. This therapy is one that shouldn’t be rushed, otherwise the implant may not fully integrate and could fail. But with the right preparation, implants are typically regarded as the gold standard for tooth replacement.

Implants are
Candidates for Implants

The ideal dental implant candidate will have dense, healthy bone that’s suitable for support. Factors such as the anatomy of your sinuses, age, past smoking, diet and underlying medical conditions can all play a role. As part of your assessment, we’ll conduct a medical screening to rule out any potential risk factors. Occasionally we may recommend a bone graft if the bone density is week (due to things like past smoking or tooth loss). We’ll order a CBCT scan to further evaluate your oral anatomy and bone density to ensure that implants can safely be placed.

During your evaluation, we’ll discuss your options and which implant plan is most suitable. There are a number of factors to consider, making this treatment a truly individualised process. If for any reason your case is extremely challenging, we can hand you off to a specialist for the actual implant placement.

Treatment Timeline
If you need to have a tooth extracted, it may be possible to place a dental implant on the same day. For most patients, the implant is installed a few months after the tooth is removed, after their mouth and bone have completely healed.

Following your implant installation, we’ll need to wait 3-6 months for the bone and gum to fully integrate with it. The last thing we want to do is load a tooth straightaway and put too much pressure on an implant that can’t support it. When we know that the implant is fully integrated, we’ll uncover the top and load a tooth directly onto it. Each restoration is made in a lab, designed for optimal aesthetics, colour matching and function.
Does it Hurt to Get Dental Implants?
Placing a dental implant can be performed with local anaesthetic. Deeper sedation typically isn’t necessary. We’ll walk you through the recovery process to ensure minimal discomfort once you return home. Plan to give yourself about a week to recover before returning back to work.

Caring for Dental Implants

The long-term success of your dental implants lies particularly on a dedicated home hygiene plan. You’ll want to brush and floss your implants daily, treating them the same as a natural tooth. Although they cannot develop decay, a gum infection or bone loss around dental implants could lead to failure of the restoration.

Plan to book a checkup and clean every 3-6 months. Special instruments are used to safely clean your implants to prevent buildup and gum infections.


Contact us today to reserve a dental implant consultation. We’re happy to answer any questions you may have!
Any invasive or surgical procedure may carry risks. Before moving forward, it is recommended that you seek a second opinion from an appropriately licensed medical professional.