
Cosmetic Dentistry

A dazzling smile is one of the best accessories you’ll ever be able to wear. Our cosmetic dentistry solutions can help make your dream smile a reality, whether you’re looking for a few minor enhancements or a complete makeover.

Together, we’ll help you identify areas of your smile that you may want to enhance or treat, benefitting your overall appearance. Whether you have areas of chipped enamel or surface stains, there is a cosmetic solution that can help. When you feel confident about the way your smile looks, you’ll want to show it off everywhere you go!
Dental Veneers
Cosmetic dental veneers provide the most dramatic results when it comes to smile makeover treatments. Veneers are specifically designed to bond to the front of healthy teeth, instantly masking aesthetic flaws such as chipped or discoloured enamel.

During your cosmetic treatment, we’ll work by your side to identify the colour, shape and contour of each veneer. Placing about six veneers across your upper front teeth can immediately help your smile look straighter and whiter. The two-visit treatment can typically be completed within about a two-week timeframe.

Veneers are ideal for people who have healthy teeth and gums but want to take their smile’s appearance to the next level. Since they only cover the front of your teeth, they rely on an intact tooth for adequate support. If you have structural damage or decay, an alternative such as porcelain crowns may be a better option.
Teeth Whitening
Brighter teeth tend to look healthier and more youthful. But not everyone has naturally white enamel. Fortunately, our professional teeth-whitening treatments can help your smile look its best, lifting years of stain and natural discoloration.

Choose between an in-office (same-day) ZOOM! Whitening session or a set of customised take-home trays. Both provide amazing results. Whether you want to whiten in one day or on your own schedule is up to you. If you’re in a rush, opt for the single-visit treatment. Or if you prefer to keep things a bit more flexible, the take-home kit may provide better versatility. Teeth whitening is a safe, non-invasive cosmetic treatment for people who want to enhance their current smile. We also suggest whitening prior to other cosmetic services, so that updated restorations can be matched to the current shade of your teeth.

One of the best ways to rejuvenate your smile is with orthodontics. A stunningly straight smile exudes confidence and enhances your appearance. We offer orthodontic solutions to address teeth that are crooked, crowded, or gapped, or have other issues that orthodontics can fix.

A benefit of getting orthodontics at our practice is that we offer several high-quality solutions that yield beautiful results. You can choose from traditional braces, Quick Straight Teeth or Invisalign treatment. Orthodontic treatment is ideal for most patients. We just need to ensure that you have excellent oral health before we begin.
Clear alignment trays are an excellent way to safely straighten your teeth. Invisalign offers a versatile braces option without metal brackets and wires. Instead, you’ll wear a series of removable aligners to gently nudge your teeth into the desired position.

Invisalign makes it easy to brush, floss and enjoy your meals throughout treatment. And since you bring the aligners home with you in advance, you’ll get to progress treatment on your own and reduce the time you spend in a dental office. Crafted from BPA-free plastic, Invisalign is both safe and virtually transparent. The modest design makes these clear orthodontic trays practically invisible to everyone around you. If you love the idea of straighter teeth but are hesitant about metal braces, then these ‘invisible’ aligners are an excellent alternative.

Our office also provides a variety of other clear alignment systems as well as traditional braces, to best fit the unique needs of our patients.
Quick Straight Teeth

While traditional braces certainly do an excellent job of straightening one’s smile, many people prefer a more discreet orthodontic option. That’s why we chose to offer Quick Straight Teeth (QST). This orthodontic system uses cutting-edge technology designed to address just the “smile teeth,” the pearly whites people see when you smile or talk. Because QST uses comfortable clear brackets and wires, you can straighten your smile without everyone knowing. This option is optimal for adults who don’t like the appearance of traditional metal braces.

Recognised as Australia’s quickest and least invasive orthodontic system, QST enables you to complete treatment in only six months or less.


For customised cosmetic dentistry that fits your vision and needs, contact us today.

Any invasive or surgical procedure may carry risks. Before moving forward, it is recommended that you seek a second opinion from an appropriately licensed medical professional.