
Usually we want to preserve teeth as long as possible. But on occasion, teeth need to be removed because of pain, emergencies or being non-restorable. Extracting the tooth helps to stabilize any infections so that we can keep you comfortable and ensure the health of adjacent teeth.

Occasionally teeth need to be extracted to create space for orthodontic treatment. Or perhaps a baby tooth stayed longer than it should have, impacting the growth of the adult tooth underneath.

Each dental extraction is planned carefully, weighing the pros and cons, always considering the best long-term results for our patients.

Emergency Extractions

We may recommend an emergency dental extraction if
Depending on the extent of the fracture, a tooth may be broken off too low to repair with a crown. Removing it will help manage pain and prevent infection. From there we can discuss replacing your missing tooth with a restoration such as a dental implant or bridge.

We aim to see emergency patients the same day. Getting you out of pain is our top priority.

After Your Tooth is Removed

Extracting a tooth creates excess space in your bite. It’s common to see surrounding teeth begin to tilt or lean once another tooth is removed. By preserving that space with a fixed bridge or implant, we can retain the natural tooth alignment of your overall smile.
Wisdom Tooth Removal
Wisdom teeth are known to cause pressure, pain and infection. Especially if they’re pressing into the neighbouring tooth or only partially erupted. Their location makes them extremely difficult to brush and floss, increasing their likelihood of developing tooth decay or periodontal disease.

Proactively removing at-risk wisdom teeth can help you avoid common complications. Most people’s wisdom teeth will erupt between their mid-teens to late-twenties. If you’re already experiencing pain or symptoms of decay, please let us know.

Although we offer wisdom tooth removal for the majority of cases, there are occasions where a tooth may be quite complex to remove. For instance, it may be intertwined with a major nerve. If that’s the case, we will direct you toward a specialist who can also provide general anaesthesia to safely remove your third molar.
Is My Tooth Restorable?
A tooth with mild to moderate damage can typically be repaired with a less-invasive alternative to an extraction. When possible, we’ll make it a goal to preserve your tooth with a crown or similar treatment. But if the overall structure is too eroded to structurally support something like a crown, there’s little to no chance of being able to repair it. In those instances, it’s typically best to remove the tooth altogether.
Gum Disease Screenings
Your comfort is an important aspect of every service we offer. It’s no different for dental extractions. During your procedure we will thoroughly numb the tooth and area around it. Some people also prefer to bring headphones and listen to music to help tune things out.

If your extraction is scheduled for a Thursday or Friday, you’ll typically be able to return to normal activities the next Monday. Give yourself the weekend to relax and recover before doing anything too vigorous.

More complex cases that require general anaesthesia can be referred to a specialist. We’ll walk you through each of your options to help you make a well-informed decision about your care.


Emergency and wisdom tooth extractions available. Contact us today for fast relief.
Any invasive or surgical procedure may carry risks. Before moving forward, it is recommended that you seek a second opinion from an appropriately licensed medical professional.